Date: July 22, 2014 Time: 4:30 p.m. Location: City Hall, First Floor Conference Room
Members Present: Rosemary Sikes, Chair; Debbie Jahnke; Ron Sikes; Jim Todd
Members Absent: Jason Cecil
Staff Present: City Manager David Timmons, Senior Planner Judy Surber, Deputy City Clerk Joshua Stecker
Call to Order: 4:30 p.m.
Approval of Agenda: Items added to the agenda included addressing Ed Robeau's application to join the board, the Department of
Natural Resources (DNR) work crew grant, and the People for Bikes Grant.
Approval of Minutes: June 24, 2014 minutes were approved unanimously.
Staff Report: At the June PRTAB Meeting, the Board asked staff to investigate the process for naming parks. Judy Surber provided
a memo and reported that there is no formal process currently in place. Some jurisdictions do provide guidelines for naming parks—
the memo includes a link to an example. Assigning park names/changing park names needs to be tasked to the board by City
Council and will require a resolution and public hearing. The recommended process is outlined in the memo. It was suggested that
the renaming of parks should occur at the same time as updates to the Comprehensive and/or the Parks Plan.
Public Comment: Ed Robeau spoke in support of revising City leash laws.
New Member Application: The board endorsed Ed Robeau's placement on the board and Rosemary Sikes will give their
recommendation to the Mayor.
Staff Report: City Manager David Timmons advised the board that they would be tasked with looking into changing the City's leash
laws. The board will determine if any changes are needed to the existing laws, suggest alternate language to clarify existing laws,
consider leash law exceptions for individual parks (Kah Tai Park, in particular), and recommend signage options. The board will also
look for ways to inform and educate the public and law enforcement of current and proposed leash laws. Board members were
directed to familiarize themselves with current leash laws for discussion at the next meeting. Debbie Jahnke will provide links to the
City code via email.
Mr. Timmons also alerted the board to new Jefferson County Public Utility District (PUD) tree trimming policies which are more
aggressive than past practices. Currently, the PUD must have City permission to trim trees. He will return at the next meeting with
direction for the Board to consider this issue.
Work Plan Update: 10 volunteers showed up for the June 29 Kah Tai work party. No work parties are scheduled at Kah Tai until
October. Sather Park work parties continue every Tuesday. Weekly work has occurred at Parkside Park with maple hybrids planted
to replace the poplars and a picnic shelter installation planned for late summer/fall.
Grant Updates: Debbie Jahnke informed the board that the RCO grant is proceeding toward the goal of installing bike parking and
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storage on the Howard Street corridor. RCO grant applications (motorized wheelbarrow for trails) will undergo the first round of
evaluation and cuts in August.
If approved, a DNR work crew will be in town during the month of February and will address invasive species in urban forests,
specifically Kah Tai and Sather Park. The board also recommended Bishop Park and the Haller Steps.
Signage at Kah Tai Park: Steve Wright reported to Rosemary Sikes that a no camping sign can be added at Kah Tai by the Parks
staff. Dog leash signage will be postponed until the new leash laws are in effect.
Fairgrounds Dog Park: Debbie Jahnke will write to the Fair Board to thank them for establishing an off leash area.
Public Comment: Bob Gray expressed interest in finding more information about the PUD tree trimming policy. He also would like
to have a list or map of off-leash areas and would like to see an off-leash area established on Castle Hill. He also thought converting
the Sims Way medians to rain gardens would be worth considering.
Ed Robeau would like to increase police volunteers in the parks.
Next Meeting: August 26, 2014
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 6:03 p.m.
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