Date: June 24, 2014 Time: 4:30 p.m. Location: City Hall, First Floor Conference Room
Members Present: Rosemary Sikes, Chair; Jason Cecil; Deborah Jahnke; Ron Sikes
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Senior Planner Judy Surber, Deputy City Clerk Joshua Stecker
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
Call to Order: 4:30 p.m.
Approval of Agenda: Items added to the agenda included drafting a support letter
for the RCO Trails Grant, Comments from Bob Gray on Parkside Park, Report on the
Tree Walks, Update on the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Tree City
application, and changes to the public comment period of the meetings.
Approval of Minutes: March 25, 2014, and April 22, 2014 Approved with typographical changes
Modification of Public Comment on Meeting Agendas: It was decided that in the
future the Parks, Recreation and Tree Advisory Board Meetings would include a
Public Comment period at the beginning and the end of the meeting.
Public Comment: Ed Robeau and Jim Todd commented on the City's code
regarding dogs off leash. Senior Planner Judy Surber advised the board that the
matter should be directed to the City Council.
Staff Report: Judy Surber updated the committee on the placement of Parkside Park
on the annual Comprehensive Plan docket. She also noted that the DNR should be
responding to the City's application for Conservation Corps support in the next week.
Staff is unable to take on work to establish a new dog park. Ms. Surber identified
several topics for the Board to consider, including work on a web site, promoting
community events and fund-raising efforts, and establishing park docents.
The Board discussed work party activities at Kah Tai Park and Sather Park.
The Board agreed to send a letter in support of the Non-Motorized Transportation Rosemary Sikes will finalize a letter of
Advisory Board's RCO Trails Grant application. support and send on behalf of the
Deborah Jahnke proposed changing park names to make them consistent across the Judy Surber will investigate the process
City. of changing park names
The Board discussed recruiting new members.
Parks, Recreation and Tree Advisory Board Page 1 of 2 June 24, 2014
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action Follow up
There were no recommended changes or issue with the Parks Plan.
Public Comment: Jim Todd commented on signage at Kah Tai Park Rosemary Sikes will speak with Steve
Wright about the potential of adding "no
camping" and "dogs on leash" signage
at the Benedict Street entrance to Kah
Tai Park.
Next Meeting: July 22, 2014
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:56 p.m.
Parks, Recreation and Tree Advisory Board Page 2 of 2 June 24, 2014