HomeMy WebLinkAbout011514 Meeting Minutes—Draft Port Townsend Arts Commission Special Meeting,January 15, 2014, 3pm - Upstairs Meeting Room, City Hall Members Present: Stan Rubin (Chair), Kris Morris, Linda Okazaki, Erin Fristad, Laureen Martin, Dan Groussman (minutes). Guests: Jan Halladay, Lisa Wentworth, Dominica Lord-Wood Approval of Minutes: December's minutes were approved with minor narrative changes, MOTION by KM, 2nd by LM, unanimous approval. Chair's Report: SR noted that LO's and KM's and his own terms run out in May and encouraged these Commissioners to reapply to maintain their membership status. SR noted our logo on KCPT's Free Teacher Night promotional materials. SR pointed out PTAC's recognition on promotional materials associated with Songwriting Works' and Rainshadow Chorale's programs as well. Election of Officers: SR began the election procedures by briefing Commissioners about the annual procedure of electing officers. President—SR nominated by LO, unanimously approved. Vice President —KM nominated by LM, unanimously approved. Secretary-DG nominated by EF, unanimously approved. Treasurer—LO nominated by LM, unanimously approved. These officers were installed for the 2014 calendar year by acclamation. Financial Report: SR reported that he spoke with David Timmons regarding the$1,500 we voted to ledger over to this year's budget. He said that David told him the transferred funds would be augmented in the 2014 budget. LO reported on the end of 2013 budget considerations. She feels good about our allocations and expenditures and commented about how they served the community. Budget for 2014 is$19,600. Public Art: EF reports 16 entries for the Uptown Public Art call as of today and expects a few more to come in that were postmarked by the deadline. The Artist Selection Panel will convene again on February 11 to review the submitted proposals. Funding Support: Jan Halliday submitted an Application For Funding Support which proposes to place a Tony Angell sculpture on or near the NWMC property to honor the late Eleanor Stopps and others who have worked to help save Protection Island and its seabird population. $6,000 was requested. DG questioned how the process for this public art work would reconcile with the fact that we normally consult the public when choosing a work of public art. KM noted that our Art in Public Places Ordinance/Public Art Policies & Procedures allows for us to acquire, through purchase, art for the city's collection. LO likes that the art work stands alone as a work of art(not street furniture), she appreciates that the work has been made already. LM questions if the role of the arts commission is to offer financial assistance to an artist who hasn't fully been paid for his work. EF thinks Tony Angell's work is valuable and it would be a good addition to town, she wants to find away to make it happen. DG says he would like to see how it is mounted, lighted, etc. and also questioned if we want to have another "memorial"type sculpture in town. LO would like to see what the latest is on the Russell Jacqua piece is going...concerned about the impression of spending a lot of money on public art all at once. KM also says we should know what's going on with the Jacqua piece. Commissioners were supportive of the idea but questioned how best to go about making getting the sculpture placed. SR suggested we reconvene at a later date when Jan Halliday has more information/answers to share. Meeting Adiourned: 4:40pm. Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 5, 3pm Upstairs Meeting Room.