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The City of Port Townsend Planning Commission met in regular session on
April 10, 2014 in the Council Chambers at 540 Water Street. Chair Monica
Mick-Hager called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Commissioners present at roll call were Kirit Bhansali, Nan Evans, Douglas
Frick, Gee Heckscher, Monica Mick-Hager, Dwight Nicholson, and Jack
Range. Staff members present were Community Services Director Rick
Sepler, Planning Manager Judy Surber, and City Clerk Pam Kolacy.
Motion: Gee Heckscher moved accept agenda as presented. Kirit Bhansali
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
Motion: Dwight Nicholson moved to approve minutes of March 13, 2014, as
presented. Nan Evans seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
There was no general public comment.
Chair Mick-Hager reviewed the rules of procedure for public hearings. Mr.
Heckscher disclosed that he is a member of the Fort Worden Public
Development Authority Board. Mr. Sepler stated that the amendment is not site
specific but is legislative so there is no conflict of interest unless the
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Commissioner feels he cannot be objective. Mr. Heckscher stated he was
comfortable in participating in the Fort Worden matter. There were no other
disclosures of financial or property interests.
Comp Plan Staff Planner Judy Surber presented the staff report on the 2014
Comprehensive Plan annual update preliminary docket. She stated that one
formal application (Jefferson Transit Rezone) and two previously docketed
applications (both regarding Kai Tah Lagoon Park Policy and Decatur Street
Trail) which were tabled during the 2011 update will automatically be placed on
the final docket for consideration in 2014. Tonight's hearing is to determine
which suggested (as opposed to formal) amendments warrant further
consideration and a place on the final docket. The Commission will be tasked
with a recommendation to the City Council on whether staff and the Planning
Commission should allocate time to considering these amendments in 2014.
Ms. Surber reviewed the evaluation criteria set forth in PTMC 2.04.060 which
were included in the packet materials.
The first suggested amendment, suggested by staff, is to add a Fort Worden
Goal and Policy to the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose is to encourage
implementation of the Master Plan for Fort Worden State Park.
The second suggested amendment is the Parkside park rezone which would
change the land use designation and zoning of approximately 0.5 acres of land
from R-II (single-family residential to P/OS (Existing Parks and Open Space).
Ms. Surber said that staff suggests a language change in (3) under "analysis of
docketing criteria". At the end of the second sentence, change "to fill the
need for a mini-pocket park" to "as a way to provide a park in an underserved
The third suggested amendment, Beech Street Property Rezone and Transfer of
Development Rights, was proposed by citizen petition. This would transfer
development rights and change the land use designation and zoning of
approximately .88 acres of City-owned land from P-1 (Public/Infrastructure) to
P/OS (Existing Parks and Open Space). A staff-recommended alternative is to
eliminate the transfer of development rights (TDR). Transfer of development
rights would require the City to create a new program, develop a policy base,
standards and procedures through amendment of the municipal code, identify
sending/receiving areas and determine the economic basis to be used for the
downzone and bonus system that would support the proposed transfer. It was
noted in addition that TDRs have not been successful in flat or depressed real
estate markets. Ms. Surber distributed a color version of the aerial photograph
included in the packet.
Ms. Surber then reviewed the procedural next steps (Planning Commission
findings and recommendations are forwarded to the City Council which may
adopt the recommendation or add or subtract amendments). Items on the final
docket are subject to State Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) review,
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staff analysis, and further noticed public hearings before the Planning
Commission and Council prior to any final decision.
Ms. Mick-Hager then opened the public comment portion of the hearing.
John Mericle stated that he and his wife are among the 200 people who have
signed petitions requesting the Beech Street property rezone. He believes the
property should be protected against development. He noted that an affordable
housing organization withdrew its plan to develop the property after a site visit.
An effort by the City to rezone the property to include residential development
was also withdrawn after residents appealed. He stated that the property is
steeply sloped, impassible in snow and very heavily wooded. If the forest were
removed, the wetland would become a lake. He believes development would
cause serious environmental problems.
Barbara Mericle provided written material, including "Beech Street
Neighborhood Petition Response" showing all the households in the immediate
neighborhood who signed the petition. The vast majority want the property
preserved in its natural state because of concerns outlined in the petition. She
stated concerns, including possible unstable slopes, are entirely reasonable.
Patricia Hoyecki said she wants to lend positive support for the proposed Beech
Street rezone.
Rick Jahnke encouraged docketing the Parkside Park rezone. He noted census
data showing that this is an underserved neighborhood without public parks or
play equipment and that it is clearly a strategic need. He stated that community
involvement in the park has been underway for some time and listed the many
projects taken on and completed by volunteers. The strong community and
volunteer efforts have led to both Rotary Clubs raising money for equipment. He
stated this should not be controversial, it is clearly a park and designating as
such will clean up the zoning map.
Jim Todd strongly supports the Froggy Forest effort to preserve room for critters
and adds to the ambiance of the town.
There was no staff response to any of the comments.
Questions from Commissioners included whether unopened rights of way that
exist in the Beech Street property will be addressed (roads could be extinguished
if the City decides there is no use for them). At this point the plan would be to
rezone the properties and deal with rights of way after that.
Further discussion revolved around the transfer of development rights (TDR).
Mr. Sepler stated this suggestion came from the City Manager as a potential
action, but the consequence and amount of work involved was not envisioned.
Mr. Mericle was called back to comment and stated that this was not an idea of
the petitioners and he supports staffs version of the amendment without the TDR
language. It was noted that the rezoning of the property as suggested,
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development right for that property is lost. It was confirmed that the property is
entirely City-owned.
Mr. Sepler described more of the complexities of the TDR process.
It was clarified that Parkside Park consists of three lots.
A question was also raised about a jurisdictional issue related to the Fort Worden
item and why it is appropriate to amend the City's comprehensive plan with
language supporting planning on state property. Staff noted that the City still has
shoreline and zoning authority for the park; this would acknowledge that the uses
in the Master Plan are appropriate and consistent with the City plans. By
supporting the Master Plan, we can do a planned action under SEPA to assess
the impact at build-out of all the projects proposed in the Master Plan and further
assessment would only be required for proposals outside the Plan. Also the City
views Ft. Worden as a significant contributor to Lodging Tax funds and the
City has expressed ongoing support for the lifelong learning center. Future
amendments to the Master Plan would include the City as a partner.
Chair Mick-Hager declared the public hearing closed.
It was noted that Council will receive information regarding TDR for their
deliberations. Commissioners reaffirmed that this may be a valuable tool but
does not seem to be a good idea in this case. The downside of taking that on
would be that another project would have to go. It was noted citizen input and
involvement on the Parkside and Beech Street were highly valued.
Motion: Nan Evans moved accept staffs recommendation and docket all three
suggested amendments including staffs recommended alternative for Beech
Street rezone and change in the findings for Parkside Park to replace "mini-
pocket"language with "provides a park in an underserved neighborhood."Dwight
Nicholson seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
The meeting was recessed at 7:30 p.m. so staff could set up for the next
The meeting was reconvened at 7:40 p.m.
Howard Street Corridor
Mr. Sepler introduced student intern Stacy Cannon to give an update on the
exploratory work she has done in advance of construction of the Howard Street
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Ms. Cannon reviewed the "Howard Street Corridor" item from the packet. She
reviewed three potential zoning approaches, Overlay District, Performance-
Based Zoning, and Form-Based Zoning.
Commissioners were asked to review the material and give feedback on any
opinions or questions the might have on the materials presented as the project
moves forward.
Public comment:
Bob Gray commented on his observations and ideas about the future of the
Howard Street corridor.
In response to Mr. Gray's encouragement of mixed uses in the area, Mr. Sepler
noted that the City has not had any success in encouraging mixed use centers in
the zones that are already designated for that purpose.
Discussion ensued about various possibilities for potential uses in the area that
would best meet the community's needs. It was noted that this plan has to be
long term and not stifle creative uses that may not yet be envisioned. Thought
should be given to what would not be encouraged as well as what would be
encouraged. Input from the economic development community and not just
potential developers will be valuable. Zoning should not create disincentives or
hurdles to desirable development. Decisions must fit with a long-term vision.
Staff plans to return with a list of potential uses for review.
There was further discussion of the Business Park (a planned unit development
with special regulations), potential for a post office facility there (County never
agreed to donate land), and how the residential market has a significant impact
on mixed use development.
Mr. Sepler noted that staff will present a proposed use table at a future meeting.
The calendar of upcoming meetings distributed with the agenda was reviewed.
Motion: Jack Range moved to adjourn Kirit Bhansali seconded.
Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m.
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Attest: ... ,
Planning Commission Chair
City Clerk's Office
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