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City of Port TownsendwA
Draft Meeting Minutes
Parks, Recreation and Trees Advisory Board (PRTAB)
Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 4:30 PM—5:46 PM
Meeting called to order at 4:34 PM by Chair, Rosemary Sikes.
Members present: Debbie Jahnke, Jason Cecil, and Ron Sikes
Also present were members of the public and City Recreation Staff, Anji Scalf.
Approval of Agenda
Debbie noted agenda is posted on the Cities website. Motion to accept agenda was
approved unanimously.
Approval of 1-28-2014 minutes
Rosemary requested the approval be tabled. She would like to blend Lys Burden and
Ron's minutes for the meeting. This will allow the inclusion of more details. Debbie
moved for tabling the minutes, Jason Cecil seconded and it passed unanimously.
Old Business
The Draft III Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Functional Plan was approved
unanimously by the Parks, Recreation, and Trees Board, the City Planning Commission,
and the first reading by City Council. The second reading by City Council is scheduled
for March 3rd. Debbie said from the first reading and from comments from the public, the
golf course is no longer included in community parks. Some members of public stated
the Kah Tai Lagoon Nature Park Master Plan is not a singular document. It exists as
several documents. The KTLNP reference to a master plan was reworded to reflect that.
Work Plan and Tree City USA membership
Jason said he has reviewed three grant opportunities and thinks the Tree Inventory Grant
would be a good first step in developing a city forestry program. He is planning on
finishing the grant document. It is due at the WA Dept. of Natural Resources Olympia
offices by Friday February 281h. Debbie offered to deliver it in person if necessary. This
grant would provide DNR personnel to GIS locate the city's priority trees.
Jason said he was contacted by a person who wanted to document "historical" trees in
Jefferson County. He said a website could be established where tree photographs and
information could be posted.
Rosemary said she would contact Park's foreman, Steve Wright, about planting a tree at
Bobby McGarraugh Park on April 26 to celebrate National Arbor Day. Some sort of
celebration is part of the requirement of Tree City USA membership. Debbie said we
could accept the April Arbor Day proclamation by the Mayor but plant the tree in the fall.
Ron said he had noticed a pine tree in a tub at Chetzemoka's green house. He thought it
could handle a spring planting and not being summer watered. Debbie wants to repeat the
most popular of last year's spring Tree Walks, the Fort Worden and Uptown tree walks.
Jason recommended some activities for children, like finger painting. He said parents
would welcome some events to entertain their kids. Anji mentioned the "dancing trees"
of the OCEANS Port Townsend Schools Program as part of their play about King Arthur.
She suggested some tree costumes for kids. Rosemary will be contacting Joanna Sanders
about the Mayor's Tree City USA Proclamation for April 21, the Monday before Arbor
New Business
Anji reported a spring schedule for the pool is now available to the public. Each month
there is a program for children - kindergarten through the eighth grade. This past month
the ISO Kids program from Crescent City School, Clallam County came for swimming
exercises at the pool. The fee is $5/child for the entire month program. Port Townsend
public school children are free as part of the lease agreement between PT Schools and the
City. The Grant Street School kindergarteners have had two-month sessions and have
done very well, swimming better than the first graders, who have only had one month's
practice. The pool is open every day 5 am to 8 pm. There has been an assistant pool
manager for the last six months.
Volunteer for Parks Report
There was a workparty at the Kah Tai Lagoon Nature Park to pull Scotch Broom and pick
up trash. Ten volunteers participated in the event on Sunday Feb 23. Also five persons
potted 112 native shrubs and trees at a volunteer's home. The potted plants will be
planted this fall in the KTLNP. City Parks and Debbie and Rick Jahnke provided the
pots. The Jahnkes provided the potting soil. The Admiralty Audubon Society and the
Jahnkes provided the native plants purchased from the Jefferson County Conservation
Parkside Park Report
Debbie said the park staff has placed some irrigation lines. The new fence was shifted by
the recent storms and City Park Staff had re-tamped some of the posts. They intend to
place concrete around their bases. They are also planning to start work on a pad for a
picnic table. Future plans call for a drinking fountain, bike rack, and benches. She
thought Rotary would be moving ahead on providing funding for play equipment. Robert
Gray said the rain garden seems to be handling the run off from recent rains.
A park summary of events and expenditures was discussed. A Boise Idaho Parks &
Recreation "Report to Our Citizens" had been provided to the PRT Board by City
Councilman, Robert Gray. Rosemary and Debbie thought it would be useful for our City
Parks and Recreation Department to provide the public an annual report. Debbie
volunteered to write the report.
Agenda Items for the Next PRT Board Meeting
Debbie wants to discuss a procedure for naming parks. She said there is more than one
name for some of the parks and they need to be clarified as to which is the official City
name. Rosemary asks Robert and he thought official names would require a vote by City
Debbie said we could discuss RCO grants regarding their trails grant due in July. This
grant requires a 20 % match from the City. Rosemary asks about the possibility of a grant
for a tunnel at Bishop Park for trail access to the south side of Highway 20 and the Larry
Scott Trail. Debbie said that would be a grant through the WA Dept. of Transportation.
She said the WA Wildlife and Recreation Grant, known as WWRP, could be a source for
funding benches, tables, and signage. The deadline for the WWRP grant is May lst
Debbie also suggested planning for a future dog park as an agenda item.
Visitor Comment
Jim Todd asked about the location of the "unofficial" dog park at Sather Park. Rosemary
said it is the field across the street from the Sather Park forest. Rosemary reviewed the
history where Park Staff had put up a fence with gate to help contain dogs off leash.
After complaints from the neighborhood due to the dogs barking, City Council ordered
the gate removed and that the area is not a"dog park" .
Jim also asked about lights in City Parks. Anji said there was some lighting on some of
the buildings at Chetzemoka. She did not know of any other lights in City Parks. There
may be lights adjacent to some of the downtown pocket parks.
There were no further comments. Rosemary asks for a motion to adjourn. Debbie moved
for adjournment, seconded by Jason, it passed unanimously at 5:46 PM.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is 4:30 pm, March 25th° 1 sf floor conference room,
City Hall.