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18-001 Approving 2018 Lodging Tax Expenditures
18-002 Adopting a Collection Development and Management Policy for the City Public Library
18-003 Adopting a Classification Schedule for Represented Employees
18-004 Adopting 2018 State Legislative Agenda
18-005 Adopting City Manager Transition Plan and Authorizing Negotiation of Employment Contract Amendment
18-006 Adopting an “Overdue Fine Free” Policy for the City of Port Townsend Public Library and Authorizing the Forgiveness of Outstanding Overdue Fees
18-007 Related to the Construction of the Big Quilcene Diversion Dam Repair Project; Authorizing the City Manager to Advertise for Bids, to Award a Construction Contract
18-008 Jefferson Street Sidewalk Project; Approving the Design Concept, Advertise for Bids and to Award a Construction Contract
18-009 Designating Off-Leash Dog Areas Within the City of Port Townsend
18-010 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with FCS Group for A Stormwater Rate Study
18-011 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Release of a Utility Easement in Vacated Jackson Street Between Lawrence and Clay Streets
18-012 Approving the 2018 Work Plan for the Parks, Recreation, and Tree Advisory Board, and Directing the Board to Assist Staff as Requested to Implement the Work Plan
18-013 Related to Fire Services; Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Pre-Annexation Memorandum of Agreement with Jefferson County Fire District No. 1
18-014 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Local Union No. 589 of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters for Police Department Employees Effective January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020
18-015 Related to Personnel, Adopting Classification Schedules for Represented Employees
18-016 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Sponsorship Agreement with Thunderbull Productions for a Fourth of July Celebration
18-017 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Grant Agreement with OlyCAP for Homeless Shelter Operations
18-018 Authorizing the City’s Membership in the Public Libraries of Washington
18-019 Adopting the City of Port Townsend Public Library’s Meeting Room Policy for the Charles Pink House/Library Learning Center
18-020 Authorizing the City Manager to Submit a Grant Application to the Recreation and Conservation Office for Trail Development and Maintenance of the Port Townsend Loop Trail and Adjacent Trail Segments
18-021 Authorizing the City Manager to Submit a Grant Application to the Washington State Department of Transportation for the 2018 Pedestrian Bicycle Grant program and the Safe Routes to School Grant Program for Discovery Road Improvements
18-022 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Public Works Contract with Agate Asphalt & Excavation to Provide Paving for the Biosolids Composting Facility
18-023 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Amendment and Extension to the Agreement with AHBL for Development of the Howard Street (now Rainier Street) & Upper Sims Way Subarea Plan
18-024 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Supply and Maintenance Agreement with Big Belly Solar, Inc. for Networked Compacting Receptacles
18-025 Related to the Construction of the Big Quilcene Diversion Dam Repair Project; Authorizing the City Manager to Award a Construction Contract to the Lowest Responsive Responsible Bidder
18-026 Authorizing Execution of Documents and Disbursement Funds for a Loan of Community Redevelopment Block Grant Funds
18-027 Affordable Housing Cherry Street Properties; Authorizing a Loan Agreement with Homeward Bound
18-028 Appointing Interim City Manager
18-029 Approving 2019-2024 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program
18-030 Giving Notice of Termination of Interlocal Agreements Between the City, County and Olycap relating to Affordable Housing, and Tasking the Ad Hoc Committee on Housing with Negotiating a New Interlocal Agreement Relating to Affordable Housing
18-031 Adopting City of PT Public Library's Policy of Confidentiality of LIbrary Transactions and Patron Files
18-032 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement with Berk Consulting, Inc. for a Level of Service Analysis for the City of PT Public Library
18-033 Adopting the Jefferson County - City of Port Townsend Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
18-034 Establishing Finance and Budget Policy Guidlines and Repealing Resolution 16-042
18-035 Fixing the Time for Hearing of August 20, 2018 on a Petition for a Street Vaction and to Consider Naming of a New Street - 30th Street West of Holcomb and East of Gise
18-036 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Public Works Contract with Shold Excavating, Inc. for the Replacement and Installation of Sewer Mainlines and Maintenance Holes in the City’s Wastewater Collection System
18-037 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Services Agreement with Norton Corrosion Limited to Conduct an Assessment of the Olympic Gravity Water System Pipeline
18-038 Authorizing the Establishment of a Third-Party Safekeeping Account to Hold Investment Securities of the City
18-039 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Public Works Contract with Lakeside Industries, Inc. for the 2018 Mill and Fill Project
18-040 Establishing the City Manager Recruitment Timeline for 2018-2019, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with the Consultant for Strategic Planning Services, and Establishing a Community Task Force
18-041 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Municipal Code Corporation to Design, Develop and Host the City website
18-042 Declaring the Purchase of a Replacement Shaker Box for the Compost Screen a Sole Source and to Authorize the City Manager to sign a purchase agreement with Construction Equipment Company (CEC) for the Purchase of the Equipment
18-043 Authorizing a Contract with Bridgegroup, LLC to conduct a City Council Strategic Planning Workshop
18-044 Authorizing a Grant of $2,500 to the United Good Neighbors to Support Programs for the Poor and Infirm
18-045 Affirming the Language of Ordinance 3200 Regarding the Multi-Family Tax Exemption Program
18-046 Approving the 2018 Work Plan for the Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Board and Directing the Board to Assist Staff as Requested to Implement the Work Plan
18-047 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. for a Comprehensive Analysis of Port Townsend Golf Course Operations
18-048 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Epicenter Services, LLC to Provide Solid Water Consulting Services
18-049 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Quit Claim Deed to Release City Interests in Jefferson County Tax Parcel Number 001094002
18-050 Amending City Council Rules of Procedure - Article 4 Committees, Boards, Work Groups and Commissions
18-051 Providing Continued Support of the Employee Wellness Program
18-052 Approving an Annexation Agreement with Jefferson County Fire Protection District No. 1 dba East Jefferson Fire and Rescue and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Annexation Agreement
18-053 Authorizing the City Attorney to Execute a Motion for Leave to File Brief of Amici Curiae and to Execute a Brief of Amici Curiae in Washington State Supreme Court Case No. 95295-7
18-054 Relating the City Water Utility; Closing the Public Hearing on the Draft Water System Plan; and, Referring the Draft Water System Plan to Staff for Further Revision
18-055 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Interlocal Agreement with Jefferson County to Support Affordable Housing and Homeless Housing Programs Pursuant to RCW 36.22.178, RCW 36.22.179, and RCW 36.22.1791
18-056 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute Agreements for Services
18-057 Related to the Construction of a Water Line Extension on Wilson Street; Authorizing the City Manager to Advertise for Bids and to Award a Construction Contract to the Lowest Responsive Responsible Bidder for the Water Line Extension
18-058 Endorsing a Correction to the Property Tax Levy Ordinance 3210 Adopted on November 13, 2018
18-059 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Utility Easement in Favor of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County in the Area of Washington Street and Tyler Street
18-060 Approving the 2019 Lodging Tax Expenditures
18-061 Related to the 2018 Annual Update to the City’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan
18-062 Adopting a Post-Annexation Tax Restriction Policy
18-063 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement to Provide Project Management Assistance to Homeward Bound
18-064 Adopting the 2019 State Legislative Agenda
18-065 Supporting the Expansion of the Jefferson Transit Board