HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout18-001 Approving 2018 Lodging Tax Expenditures18-002 Adopting a Collection Development and Management Policy for the City Public Library18-003 Adopting a Classification Schedule for Represented Employees18-004 Adopting 2018 State Legislative Agenda18-005 Adopting City Manager Transition Plan and Authorizing Negotiation of Employment Contract Amendment18-006 Adopting an “Overdue Fine Free” Policy for the City of Port Townsend Public Library and Authorizing the Forgiveness of Outstanding Overdue Fees18-007 Related to the Construction of the Big Quilcene Diversion Dam Repair Project; Authorizing the City Manager to Advertise for Bids, to Award a Construction Contract18-008 Jefferson Street Sidewalk Project; Approving the Design Concept, Advertise for Bids and to Award a Construction Contract18-009 Designating Off-Leash Dog Areas Within the City of Port Townsend18-010 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with FCS Group for A Stormwater Rate Study18-011 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Release of a Utility Easement in Vacated Jackson Street Between Lawrence and Clay Streets18-012 Approving the 2018 Work Plan for the Parks, Recreation, and Tree Advisory Board, and Directing the Board to Assist Staff as Requested to Implement the Work Plan18-013 Related to Fire Services; Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Pre-Annexation Memorandum of Agreement with Jefferson County Fire District No. 118-014 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Local Union No. 589 of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters for Police Department Employees Effective January 1, 2018 through December 31, 202018-015 Related to Personnel, Adopting Classification Schedules for Represented Employees18-016 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Sponsorship Agreement with Thunderbull Productions for a Fourth of July Celebration18-017 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Grant Agreement with OlyCAP for Homeless Shelter Operations18-018 Authorizing the City’s Membership in the Public Libraries of Washington18-019 Adopting the City of Port Townsend Public Library’s Meeting Room Policy for the Charles Pink House/Library Learning Center18-020 Authorizing the City Manager to Submit a Grant Application to the Recreation and Conservation Office for Trail Development and Maintenance of the Port Townsend Loop Trail and Adjacent Trail Segments18-021 Authorizing the City Manager to Submit a Grant Application to the Washington State Department of Transportation for the 2018 Pedestrian Bicycle Grant program and the Safe Routes to School Grant Program for Discovery Road Improvements18-022 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Public Works Contract with Agate Asphalt & Excavation to Provide Paving for the Biosolids Composting Facility18-023 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Amendment and Extension to the Agreement with AHBL for Development of the Howard Street (now Rainier Street) & Upper Sims Way Subarea Plan18-024 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Supply and Maintenance Agreement with Big Belly Solar, Inc. for Networked Compacting Receptacles18-025 Related to the Construction of the Big Quilcene Diversion Dam Repair Project; Authorizing the City Manager to Award a Construction Contract to the Lowest Responsive Responsible Bidder18-026 Authorizing Execution of Documents and Disbursement Funds for a Loan of Community Redevelopment Block Grant Funds18-027 Affordable Housing Cherry Street Properties; Authorizing a Loan Agreement with Homeward Bound18-028 Appointing Interim City Manager18-029 Approving 2019-2024 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program18-030 Giving Notice of Termination of Interlocal Agreements Between the City, County and Olycap relating to Affordable Housing, and Tasking the Ad Hoc Committee on Housing with Negotiating a New Interlocal Agreement Relating to Affordable Housing18-031 Adopting City of PT Public Library's Policy of Confidentiality of LIbrary Transactions and Patron Files18-032 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement with Berk Consulting, Inc. for a Level of Service Analysis for the City of PT Public Library18-033 Adopting the Jefferson County - City of Port Townsend Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan18-034 Establishing Finance and Budget Policy Guidlines and Repealing Resolution 16-04218-035 Fixing the Time for Hearing of August 20, 2018 on a Petition for a Street Vaction and to Consider Naming of a New Street - 30th Street West of Holcomb and East of Gise18-036 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Public Works Contract with Shold Excavating, Inc. for the Replacement and Installation of Sewer Mainlines and Maintenance Holes in the City’s Wastewater Collection System18-037 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Services Agreement with Norton Corrosion Limited to Conduct an Assessment of the Olympic Gravity Water System Pipeline18-038 Authorizing the Establishment of a Third-Party Safekeeping Account to Hold Investment Securities of the City18-039 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Public Works Contract with Lakeside Industries, Inc. for the 2018 Mill and Fill Project18-040 Establishing the City Manager Recruitment Timeline for 2018-2019, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with the Consultant for Strategic Planning Services, and Establishing a Community Task Force18-041 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Municipal Code Corporation to Design, Develop and Host the City website18-042 Declaring the Purchase of a Replacement Shaker Box for the Compost Screen a Sole Source and to Authorize the City Manager to sign a purchase agreement with Construction Equipment Company (CEC) for the Purchase of the Equipment18-043 Authorizing a Contract with Bridgegroup, LLC to conduct a City Council Strategic Planning Workshop18-044 Authorizing a Grant of $2,500 to the United Good Neighbors to Support Programs for the Poor and Infirm18-045 Affirming the Language of Ordinance 3200 Regarding the Multi-Family Tax Exemption Program18-046 Approving the 2018 Work Plan for the Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Board and Directing the Board to Assist Staff as Requested to Implement the Work Plan18-047 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. for a Comprehensive Analysis of Port Townsend Golf Course Operations18-048 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Epicenter Services, LLC to Provide Solid Water Consulting Services18-049 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Quit Claim Deed to Release City Interests in Jefferson County Tax Parcel Number 00109400218-050 Amending City Council Rules of Procedure - Article 4 Committees, Boards, Work Groups and Commissions18-051 Providing Continued Support of the Employee Wellness Program18-052 Approving an Annexation Agreement with Jefferson County Fire Protection District No. 1 dba East Jefferson Fire and Rescue and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Annexation Agreement18-053 Authorizing the City Attorney to Execute a Motion for Leave to File Brief of Amici Curiae and to Execute a Brief of Amici Curiae in Washington State Supreme Court Case No. 95295-718-054 Relating the City Water Utility; Closing the Public Hearing on the Draft Water System Plan; and, Referring the Draft Water System Plan to Staff for Further Revision18-055 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Interlocal Agreement with Jefferson County to Support Affordable Housing and Homeless Housing Programs Pursuant to RCW 36.22.178, RCW 36.22.179, and RCW 36.22.179118-056 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute Agreements for Services18-057 Related to the Construction of a Water Line Extension on Wilson Street; Authorizing the City Manager to Advertise for Bids and to Award a Construction Contract to the Lowest Responsive Responsible Bidder for the Water Line Extension18-058 Endorsing a Correction to the Property Tax Levy Ordinance 3210 Adopted on November 13, 201818-059 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Utility Easement in Favor of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County in the Area of Washington Street and Tyler Street18-060 Approving the 2019 Lodging Tax Expenditures18-061 Related to the 2018 Annual Update to the City’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan18-062 Adopting a Post-Annexation Tax Restriction Policy18-063 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement to Provide Project Management Assistance to Homeward Bound18-064 Adopting the 2019 State Legislative Agenda18-065 Supporting the Expansion of the Jefferson Transit Board